Name Art
or quotes & multi-name designs for $15
name art includes...
a name of your choice
a colorful background
font and colors of your choice
name art is a great and cheap gift or card for events like Valentine's Day, birthdays, or simply as a profile picture and something to hang on your wall.​
Knees and Up Portraits
prices vary based on special factors! (scroll down)
no furries/animals/paws/snout but humanoids are okay
portrait includes...
a person of your choice with reference(s)
oc, you, other people (no fan art!)
knees and up drawing
full color
a portrait is a great choice to give someone for their birthday or anniversary​. not only is it great for gifts, but even just a profile picture or something special for your home.
Full Body Portrait
prices vary based on special factors! (scroll down)
no furries/animals/paws/snout but humanoids are okay
full body includes...
a person of your choice with reference(s)
oc, you, other people (no fan art!)
full body
full color
a portrait is a great choice to give someone for their birthday or anniversary​. not only is it great for gifts, but even just a profile picture or something special for your home.​
special factors...
flat color(s) backgrounds: +$1.00
detailed background +5.00
more than 1 person: +1.00/person
no reference picture: +2.00
effects (bubbles, sparkles, sunlight, fire, etc.): +$0.75
available methods of payment...
If you have a big event coming up like a wedding, birthday, milestone, baby shower, etc. and you are ordering any art for that event, include the event, the date, and any other information so you can get 40% off of ANY commission. This promotion is PERMANENT (and is subject to change.)
Click this link for examples of BIG MOMENTS:
Level 1
your commission doesn't need a deadline and you don't need it done in any pace or amount of time, it can be done at my leisure.
Level 2
your commission does have a deadline or some timeframe, but it isn't for at least a month after submission.
Level 3
your commission has a deadline that takes place within a month after submission, these will be the commissions I take care of over anyone else